
發佈時間 : 2016-4-21 20:54:46


王春艳口述 郭宝胜撰写 郭亚萨翻译

基督徒王春艳来自中国辽宁省大连市,在2008年6月4日她家占地面积500余平米的家被强拆,弟弟王亚新、妹妹王春梅被严重打伤,财物被洗劫一空。为此,王春艳带着老母亲、弟弟、妹妹到北京上访。在多年的上访维权道路上,王春艳的老母亲2011年5月2日在京意外死亡,至今在北京天坛医院太平间没有火化,不能入土为安。 在上访路上,王春艳姊妹相信了耶稣,并努力地在访民中传福音,希望更多的访民能够在耶稣的爱里得到安慰。

因为参加北京家庭教会圣爱团契活动,2014年王春艳被北京公安局以非法聚会的罪名关进北京第一看守所,刑事拘留1个月。由于王春艳被关押,她患精神分裂症的弟弟王亚新在此期间无人照顾、并走失、死亡,尸体被发现在高铁的轨道旁。为了维护信仰和住房权益,王春艳带着妹妹到处上访,结果妹妹王春梅被判刑1年。 由于王春艳受尽迫害但上访无门,2016年4月初她逃离中国来到美国,她决定要长期在白宫前为中国受迫害的基督徒来讲解真相、抗议并祷告,除自己的个案外,她也为中国受迫害的所有基督徒呼吁,为被强拆的十字架向世人宣告真相,并要求美国政府能主持世界公义。

众所周知,自习近平上台以来,中国的宗教自由、言论自由、人权法治等都受到严重的践踏和破坏,以致于世人都认为习近平正在发动“二次文革”。 习近平当局以基督教影响国家文化安全为由、以基督教中国化为口号,已经强拆1800多个教堂顶端的十字架,而反对强拆十字架的牧师和信徒,都被他抓进监狱进行重判,如浙江金华包国华牧师夫妇被判刑10年以上,而对家庭教会的迫害也从未停止,2016年年初,贵州贵阳一个700人的家庭教会被当局取缔并解散,牧师李国志以泄露国家机密罪名被逮捕。当局对从事社会公义的基督徒也严厉镇压,如基督徒律师唐荆陵、如家庭教会长老胡石根等等。



The Urge for the World to listen to the petition and cry from Wang Chunyan

Wang Chunyan

Wang Chunyan, a Christian, was from Dalian, Liaoning, China. On June 4, 2008, her home which is more than 500 square meters’ was forcibly demolished. Her younger brother Wang Yaxin and younger sister Wang Chunmei were severely beaten. All their possessions were takenfrom them. Because of this, Wang Chunyan brought her elderly mother, brother, and sister to appeal in Beijing. During many years of petition in Beijing, Wang Chunyan’s elderly mother died unexpectedly on May 2, 2011. Her body is still in Beijing Tiantan Hospital Morgue waiting to be cremated and buried. During the petition, Wang Chunyan trusted Jesus as her personal savior and started to spread the gospel with great effort among the petitioners. She hopes more petitioners can receive comfort in the love of Jesus.

Because Wang Chunyan participated in the Holy Love Fellowship in a home church in Beijing, she was put under criminal detention for a month in the Beijing First Detention Center by the Beijing Public Security Bureau under the reason of “illegal gathering.” Because Wang Chunyan was under detention, her brother who has mental problem had no one to take care of. He got lost and died one day. His body was found beside the railway of the high-speed rail. In order to protect her faith and rights of living, Wang Chunyan brought her sister to appeal in many places. However, her sister Wang Chunmei was sentenced one year in prison. Because Wang Chunyan had no places to appeal after the persecution she has suffered, she escaped China and came to America in April, 2016. She has decided to tell the truth about the persecutions Christians suffer in China, to pray, and to protest in front of the White House for a long period of time. She will appeal not only for herself, but for all Christians who are persecuted in China. She will proclaim the truth about the forcibly demolished cross to the world and ask the American government to bring world justice.

As many have known, after Xi Jinping became the president of China; the religious freedom, freedom of speech, human rights, and rule of law in China have been severely trampled and damaged. Many people believe that Xi Jinping is starting a “second cultural revolution.” The government led by Xi Jinping demolished more than 1,800 crosses from the top of churches with the reason ofChristianity affects national cultural security and the slogan of Sinicize Christianity. Pastors and Christians who opposed cross demolition were caught into prison and severely sentenced. For example, Pastor Bao Guohua and his wife from Zhejiang were sentenced more than 10 years in prison. The persecutions in house churches in China have never stopped. In the beginning of 2016, a house church in Guiyang, Guizhou with more than 700 believers was banned and dismissed. Its pastor Li Guozhi was captured under the reason of leaking national security. The government is also severely persecuting Christians who are involved with social justice. For example, Christian lawyer Tang Jingling and house church elder Hu Shigen were persecuted.

The Chinese Communist Party’s violence on Christians not only severely detriments Chinese people’s human rights and freedom, but also threatens the peace and freedom of the world including America. The Chinese Communist Party is like the Nazi German. The dictator who suppresses human rights inside the country will aggressively expand its aggression outside of the country. Therefore, the international society should more seriously demand Xi Jinping to stop persecutions on Chinese human rights. American government should more seriously ask China to immediately improve human rights conditions; stop cross demolition; compensate churches which crosses were destroyed; immediately release captured pastors, human rights lawyers, and dissidents including Pastor Bao Guohua, Pastor Zhang Shaojie, church elder Hu Shigen, Lawyer Tang Jingling, and all detained Chinese human rights prisoners. Thank you!